Sunday, September 18, 2011

What video game should I right my English analytical profile on?

So I have to write "a profile, a description, an outline of something from our visual world." In my case a video game. It's a description plus analysis and I am torn between three games: Silent Hill 2, Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. I don't know which would be the best because I love them all! What do you think? Or do you have any other suggestions? Thank you in advance for answers.|||Try Bioshock really unique game there is no game like NONE it builds suspense and you want to keep going and the firefights are really unique you use plasmids( Electricty, fire, tekelnisis, and a lot lot more), you got to really use your mind if your playing on hard this game can get very difficult and tactical and Bioshock 2 is comin out next month|||Silent hill has a lot more going for it in terms of writing material. There's real storyline, tension, fear inducting moments, plot twists etc. Basically it's more like a book than any of the others. and for the purposes of writing a critique for English class. that's what you want.|||silent hill 2 is definitely the way to go here. the tension, storyline, creepiness make for a good profile. and pyramid head!!

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