Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How good can video game graphics can possibly get?

What if in the future you bought a sims game. You got the right hardware and everything for it; but when you turn it on. The graphics are so real you cannot tell the difference between real life (like seeing something in real life) Would you still play it?

Do you think they should put a limit on how "real" a game can look? Or even simulate? What is your view on this?|||Sims wont ever have a game like that, those games arent made for detail. It would be a different game, not nothing gay like the sims. If there was a game with graphics that good, i'd play it, but if it was a good game though. Graphics arent everything|||I would set a limit because if looks too good its going to be like watching a movie that you control.|||i don't play the sim but real like graphics would be vortal realty tech

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