Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is the best game for me to get for my wii?

I want to get a new game for my wii. I like 1st person shooters the most. I have thought about Call of duty modern warfare reflex edition and Call of duty world at war. I think their are probably better games out there though. Like I said I want a 1st person shooter, or maby even a midevil game like lord of the rings. So what should I get?|||Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition AMAZING shooting game on wii,with a very high rating

Wii Isnt really for shooting games, its most used for Mario games like Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario, Super SmashBrawl

But Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition is the best shooting game for Wii|||hmmmm maybe get wii fit + i like shooters to but i like wii fit + also you can play a bunch of games hope i helped|||Arcade shooters for the wii are fun, like resident evil. Also mario sluggers was awesome.|||If you like shooters, Modern Warfare is the best FPS on wii.

There is also Resident Evil 4, 3rd person shooter

And Dead Space Extraction/House of the Dead Overkill/Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles which are all Rail Shooters

I cant think of any midevil games of the top of my head though|||If u like shooters - House of the dead 2 and 3 wii

House of the dead overkill

Resident evil 4

Resident evil darkiside chronicles

Resident evil archives

These are all great shooters

u should get legend of zelda twilight pprincess its kind of like a medival game lol but it is very very good

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