Sunday, September 18, 2011

What PS3 video game should I get my husband for Christmas?

I got my husband a PS3 for Christmas and I want to get him a game to go with it. I don't know which game, though! He has like all the Madden NFL games and several basketball games and lots of other random games, but they are all for PS2.

So I am really stuck. Should I get him a game that he already has for PS2 or should I take a gamble and pick out a totally new one that he doesn't have? And if so, what game? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thanks!|||Cool gift!!!!! Get him the newer Madden and Call of Duty World at War

And may I suggest some Blu ray movies he likes, he will love those, specially if you have a HDTV

Good luck!!!!!|||I saw a basketball game called NBA '09 The Inside. It lets you create 5 basketball players. I think it said you could also manage the team as well. I think it also lets you progress the players on the court, and off the court, and you can take them online too. I don't have a PS3, but I saw a commercial for it, and thought it looked good.|||Some really good Playstation 3 games are:

Metal Gear Sold 4

Resistance: Fall of Man

Little Big Planet


Call of Duty 4

You should watch the reviews on YouTube to see which one is the best for your husband. I recommend Little Big Planet.|||Get him Call of Duty 4 or 5.

Also, I think you can play PS2 games on a ps3.|||try little big planet its really fun and kida kidish but i think he might like it if not maybe rock band or guitar heroe hope this helps good luck |||Metal Gear Solid 4

Resistance 2

Fallout 3

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

|||Call of duty 5 definitely |||Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots|||ask the game mnagement center people at a video game store|||Grand theft auto 4|||Resistance 2

HE WILL LIKE IT!|||I think you should get Mortal Kombat Vs. Dc Comics check it out at

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