Sunday, September 18, 2011

How much money does a good Game Programmer get per year?

I wanna know how much can a very good Game Programmer get per year when they are the best in their class?

When the game come out, does the Game Programmer get a certain % of what the game sold, and if they do, what are the %?|||The percentage differs from company to company and is given in the form of a bonus. A very good game programmer can get anywhere from $69,000 to $150,000 depending on where he works, whether he freelances and what company he works for.

"# Game programmers are generally well paid compared to designers and artists. The average salary of a male programmer is $66k* (up from last year's average of $63k).

# Lead programmers get around $79k. The highest paid programmer makes around $300k.

# Females comprise 3% of the programming force. The average salary for female programmers is $54k (down from last year's average of $70k). "

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