Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why does a game lag when I start to play a online game?

I have a really good speed(14 MB). But when I try to play online on the PS3 or PC, the game starts to lag. I don't know what the problem is. I have had this problem ever since I started to play online. The game starts to lag when my sister goes on Myspace. Can you please help?|||If you are on wireless you may want to consider using an Ethernet cable if that is available. Cabled internet will always be faster then using a wireless router.

Like the other guy said, everyone on the internet will slow it down.

Finally, it may be your computer in some cases. While you can run the game fine in single player, it may require a tad more resources to keep up with something online. Especially if it is like 32 players or something. You may consider turning down your graphic settings for the game just a bit or getting some more ram. Extra ram never hurt anyone.

But most likely its just the fact that you are wirelessly pulling from an already busy router.|||if your entire family is using the internet at one time, of course it's going to lag. multiplayer can't handle that much memory usage online. lag is normal for the most part unless the framerate drops a lot. a couple stutters is normal. you might want to check your router or move it closer to your console/computer

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