Anyway, as we all know, there are about a million different "colors" of Pokemon games ranging from red to ruby. So, my question is: Which one should I get? Is one better than another? What's the difference? Or should I get two or three? They're probably pretty cheap now that no one likes them anymore.|||i'm 25. 18? pshaaaw! heh
red, blue, and yellow, the oldest games were fun... at their time. after playing updated versions, it was... difficult to stay in those games.
gold, silver, and crystal were quite fun - you can't trade from this version into later games because there are tons of messups in these games, but since they involve EV charts that you never have access to, go for them if you want - they are quite decent
fire and leaf are remakes of red and blue, and they are updated to include the new types of gold's era. also, they are compatible with other modern pokemon games. definately a plus
ruby, sapphire, and emerald are the games i would recommend. just pick any of the three, it really doesn't matter. although emerald is a little more updated. these three games have a storyline through the entire game to follow, which is why i would have you choose one of these.
there are spinoffs as well. including mystery dungeon, which takes an old game by some company that makes random dungeon games, and puts a nice storyline to it, and uses the moves of the pokemon quite well. this is definately a good game, if you have a nintendo DS. also, pokemon ranger just came out on halloween
animal crossing is not a pokemon game, but there is an element of collecting things in it that you might find addictive. it's a good game - better if you can get your DS online (it's also on the gamecube, but no online play) where you are new to a town, and you collect things like bugs, fish, decor for your house, etc..|||i think pokemon Ruby is the best!! its just so exciting and it has cooler pokemon than sapphire does
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|||i think you should get pokemon emerald because you can get kyogre groudon and rayquaza
fire red or leafgreen
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|||there are friggin 60 year olds that like pokemon.and im 12 and im obsesed with it.pokemon is awesome and u souldnt say its rediculous cause it aint
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|||well for me pokemon leaf green is the best...... and the only difference is that some have different pokemon and different tasks.
but could someone help me i cant get an umbreon and espon waht do i do to get them
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that will help u a lot, bunch of information on the games.
just go on the left column and check out the video games section. Diamond and Pearl are the most recent games.
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|||I suggest you play emerald. It probably has the best graphics and there is way more adventures. You can choose red rescue team too. It's my favortie game out of all of them
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|||I say if you have a gamecube or a Wii get Pokemon Colosseum. Single best Pokemon game in existence, in my opinion.
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|||Try - They offer alot of help on pokemon
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|||Pokemon Ruby I have and is brill!
I know this question may be closed now but I wanted to reply to this when I saw that you said an absurd question for an 18 year old to ask! Im 20 and love Pokemon its for any age-well not babies maybe,but if you get my point!
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|||Emerald has the best storyline and offers the most fun! Really played it again and again.
Yellow is the original but now it is very low compared to todays modern pokemon games (FR LG if you like playing the past)
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|||i'd say buy pokemon emerald for now then get pokemon platinum when it's released - the 3rd game is usually the best in each generation (you'll be able to transfer your pokemon from emerald onto platinum once you complete platinum too)
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|||It all depends on what pokemon you want. there are some pokemon in certain versions not available in others. EX; Mawhile is in ruby but not sapphire. surskit is unavailable in ruby but is common in sapphire
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|||I only have red and blue. They are almost the same except for that some Pokemon you can only find in red, and some you can only find in blue. In order to catch them all you need at least 2 games. I hope that I helped.|||i would suggest emerald for gameboy,and u could wait one more year if u want to get the best game==diamond==pearl==for nintendo ds idk when it is comin but sometime around 2007! and every single pokemon game is listed on scroll a ltl dwn when u get there and u will see video games-thats where every single pkm game is+the info.!!!!|||I had pokemon yellow and then silver. I played the hell out of both of them. By the time i was done, i knew every pokemons' name, type, evolution stages and weaknesses. Yellow is better than red and blue because you get to start out with pikachu, instead of one of the three.|||It's just depends on which pokemon and which region you want to catch all the pokemon in. Firered/Leafgreen - Kanto, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - Hoenn.|||I'm 31...Don't feel bad I have every pokemon game ever made even the japanese import green..... I really can't say which one is the best because I like them all.... You encounter different pokemon in the different colors.. Alot are the same but the legendary ones are different.....|||The only game that comes to mind that can b realitivly close to Pokemon is either Digimon, or Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing sounds like it is more something your looking for. You may want to research yourself on those things aswell. I haven't played Animal Crossing, but from what I've heard, it is respectable.
As for the color of games, each "generation" of games has a counterpart. Such as Red version, there was blue version.
Gold- Silver
Leaf green- fire red.
Saphire- Ruby.
and there are a few more. The counterparts are exactly the same, only with a extremly slight difference in something you may do in the game in one color, there are some pokemon that you cannot catch in one vesion that you can in the other.
I would go with the more updated ones. SInce they are cheap you can play them all if you want (or one from each "generation"). All the stories from basic premaces from the games are the same, so don't worry about that.
There will be more games coming out (such as for the DS) so keep an eye out on that and if you like it, go and buy it.|||Well with that game you have to pretty much realize each game has pretty much the same story line. The new games have tons more features though. Although you cant deny the classic old version, you would probably prefer a newer one.|||i think the news one is the best or ruby versing|||The best one is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
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