Sunday, September 18, 2011

What money game can be played for 24+ golfers with a wide differential of handicaps?

Most of us do not have an established handicap. We intended on putting $20.00 in a pot and just draw blind partners. But the weaker golfers (like myself) feel that we would not be able to compete, or drag down a better golfer if drawn. I'm not familiar with some names of games, so a little explanation of the game would be helpful. We're doing this in place of a bachelor party! Thanks.|||Wolf is a game that kind of averages everything out. The "wolf" is declared on the first tee, and is rotated for every hole- however you ant to do it: draw straws, go by age, doesn't matter. Everyone tees off. From there the wolf decides who his/her partner is, or s/he can bet more (or some other agreed-upon stipulation) and go it alone. Everyone gets a chance to team up with the better player(s) and the better players can play along or take a big risk by going alone... at any rate, it should allow the not-so-good golfer the ability to avoid being steamrolled.|||You could do something like have six groups with six lowest people in one group each, the next six lowest in other groups and so on. This way you will have a range of handicaps in each group.

Example group:

Low handicap

Average handicap

Average handicap

High handicap

You could play 4 ball with 2 scores to count on each hole.


You could play individual stableford (points)|||I have been in the same place and we got several groups of four and played a 4 man scramble with each group consisting of 1 low handicapper, 2 mid handicappers, and one high handicapper. That way each group is fair and every once and a while its the high handicapper to come up with a great shot! It was a LOT of fun! Best round won!|||I just played in a tournament where the winner was determined by the lower number of penalties The points per ea were:

3 putt = 2

4 putt = 3

Lost ball = 2

Out of bounds = 2

Bunker = 1

Water = 1

2 Bunker shots = 3

Whiff = 3

The game is called BONG

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