1. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
3. Wind Waker
4. Twilight Princess
Lolz sorry if i gave you 2much info. please feel free to ask me any questions about these games. i am an all time zelda fan and i would love to help, enjoy!
email - shauna.schwab@gmail.com|||WHY DID NOBODY SUGGEST A LINK TO THE PAST! D=
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|||not true the ocarina of time wasnt the start. it was just the first 3d version of the game series....
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|||In the Zelda "timeline" (not confirmed by Nintendo),Ocaria of Time would be considered the "first" game in the Zelda series. It makes sense, because Link is at his youngest in the series and Hyrule is not yet flooded, which was stated in Windwaker.
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|||wow you guys are wierd start with the ledgend of zelda mm or majoras mask it is the best game in the entire siries it is for the collectors editon or the n64 if you are a bigener of gaming in gererial start with wind waker for gamecube
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|||again reverse 1and 2 enoufgh said
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|||start with ocarina of time its the best game evr!!!!!
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|||I agree, 3D is the best version, but they are all so fun! If you download an emulator for gameboy, such as visualboy advance, you can play practically all the non 3D versions of Legend of Zelda.
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|||well you should get the zelda special edition disc for game cube on ebay or something. it has the zelda games from the first to majoras mask then a Preview of wind waker. The best one in my opinion is zelda ocarina of time. it would be a great one to start with because it is so amyzing and it takes place at the begininig of links adventures. It also is the first 3d zelda game. It may take a long time to beat but so worth it if you can figure it out :) best of luck on your journy to save hyrule from the evil ganondorf lol|||every zelda game is awesome, but a good first timer would probably be ocarina of time. there is a zelda collection disc for gamecube that has 4 games, including ocarina, and its sequel, majora's mask. they are both awesome games and they were my 2 first games.
the reason i am recommending these 2 is because you need very little background zelda knowledge to understand the game, and to get a good first impression of the zelda saga. I hope you enjoy zelda as i have :D|||Well all the games have their own story and sometimes a few funny, dumb, friendly, or crazy characters that just HAVE to come back, i wouldnt recommend four swords as much because four swords is sorta part of minish cap (gameboy advance), all the ones with ganondorf are good because they have their own story, and heres how it works; basically Ocarina of Time continues with Majora's Mask, and after that every game has its own story, if you like puzzles Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask, if its all about items then Wind Waker has a few good items, and Ocarina of Time, if its all about graphics and little chit-chat, then Twilight Princess is good, but if you're going to use any info from a friend just remember Gamecube and Wii Twilight Princess are mirrored (Left=Right) and last, if you a need a settled story and slightly calmer gameplay, Wind Waker has calm and action gameplay, and fun puzzles :D|||There's a game called Zelda Collectors edition. You can find it online for around 50 bucks or so. It contains Zelda 1, 2, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask! They're all really good games to start out with, and that way, you get 4 games for the price of one. It also has a Wind Waker demo on it if you want to try that game.|||There are three zelda games for gamcube: Legend of Zelda wind waker, legend of zelda four sword advantres and Legend of Zelda twilight princess.
I would reccomend Legend of Zelda twilight princess. But it is the last released.
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