Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is the video game you have been most excited for in your lifetime?

Just curious what everyone's opinions are. I though the video game I would have ever been most excited for would hold as Halo 3, but I am so obsessed with Mass Effect 3 and its looming release date that I can barely sit still enough to type this message. Remember this isn't asking for your favorite game, its asking for the game you've been most excited to get your hands on.|||When a new Grand Theft Auto or Metal Gear game is announced I get really excited. Like school girl excited.|||halo 2

GREATEST GAME EVER!!!|||i'd say it was a cross between spore and black %26amp; white, both were major let downs|||You read my mind lol, its Mass Effect 3. Yeah cant wait for that. On my 3rd play through from mass effect 1, coming up to the miranda/jack fight which is a ***** and a half to keep both loyalties lol. Yeah apart from that, i used to be a massive WoW player so anytime a new patch or expansion was coming up, i got all excited and even attended midnight launches.|||The Halo series|||I am really looking forward to The Elders Scrolls: Skyrim.

omgomgomg.|||Crysis1|||it's nothing comparable to world of warcraft.

1- it's MMORPG so you can role character as you want

2- so life like and have it's own society

3- it was amazing when i see wow as a game that i can play every time for how long i want :)|||Battlefield 3|||At this time, my first excitment is Warhammer 40k Space marine, looks so good and gorey

My other on is mass effect 3, just too complete the story for me and is Kinect enabled!! OMFG!!|||sonic adventure for sega dreamcast|||The whole Legend of Zelda series. I can't wait for the next one!|||Well currently, it is skryim. Back in the years, it was dialo 2. Ahhh best game I've ever played :)

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