Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What happens if a baseball game is called in the middle of an inning?

The game was tied in the bottom of the 6th with two outs. There were runners on first and second. It was too dark to continue the game so the umpire said that there was one more batter. But, before that batter could hit, the umpire called the game. It was declared a tie, but the home team never got to finish their at bat. Does this mean that the game must be resumed another day. And this is little league by the way.|||Yes. This is a tie game, and should be completed at a later date. Granted, in Little League, it is quite possible that the completion might never be played, unless it has some bearing on end-of-season standings.

LL 4.11(e) A regulation game that is tied after four or more completed innings and halted by the umpire, shall be resumed from the exact point that play was halted.|||if a game goes 5 innings or more, it is an official game. that means if the game is called and does not resume, then who ever is winning at the time, wins.

If its tied, or if it hasnt not gone 5 innings, then usually the teams play the rest of that game before the next game. that just happened to the padres and dodgers. tied in the 9th inning and they called the game. the next day they started in the 9th, finished that game, then played the next game.|||What a retarded ump. I would have tripped on him for being so dumb. Although he called it for the right reasons, he did it in all the wrong ways. Complain to the leagues commissioner. Little league doesn't matter, if you paid to play, it should be done right.

Baseball during twilight is very dangerous. The only player to die from a pitch was during twilight (but it was also back when you could dirty the ball up pretty good.)|||If it was getting dark the inning should have never started. The coaches and ump should have discussed a couple innings ahead of time. Yes the ump has the right to call the game, in that situation he should not have. In little league you need to play at least 4 and a half innings for the game to count.

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