Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do you start a video game company?

I want to to start a video game company but I need to know what kind people to hire, the software needed, what's the best software, what type of computer is best for creating video games, what programing language do the people I will hire need to know , wheres a good location in the U.S. Western states where I can have are video game company at.

Basically I just need to know all the stuff on how to start a video game company for example like Bungie, or the creators of Fable.|||how you ever created a video game and if not you should probaly start off being in someone elses company|||Great way to think! Seriously. Do you know how many people mindlessly commute to work, just in the USA, each day living someone else's dream?

Always be thinking of what products you can create/sell that people will want/need!

Having said all of that I would suggest you go to work for someone else in whatever field it is you are passionate about. Key word: PASSION.

Learn what you can. In all the aspects of the business not just production. You'll need to learn Human Resources, Marketing (different from Sales), Finance, Legal and so forth.

What kind of video games are you wanting to create?

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